Our Mission

Transforming oil & gas production for a sustainable future through innovative decarbonization technologies & strategic partnerships


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In February 2021 , National Energy Services Reunited Corp (NESR) announced the launch of its ESG Impact segment during the Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In February 2024, NESR introduced NESR Environmental & Decarbonization Applications ("NEDA") segment. This new branded segment consolidates an expanding suite of solutions initially released through the NESR ESG Impact.

NESR aims to leverage its "open technology platform" approach to introduce innovative decarbonization technologies rapidly & nimbly into the MENA region, with the goal of making oil and gas production more sustainable through technology deployment. NESR believes that the oil and gas industry has the potential to be a catalyst for both energy-led global economic growth and also the proliferation of environmental solutions that make this energy growth more sustainable. Through its ESG Impact segment, the company aims to address key issues relevant to the communities in which it operates, such as water conservation and aquifer protection, as well as larger global challenges like methane abatement related to climate change mitigation.

NESR strives to leverage its research, engineering, and project management capabilities across the MENA region to unlock new decarbonization technologies that enable the upstream energy industry to minimize its collective environmental footprint and adapt to complex environmental challenges.

Upstream Decarbonization Through the Establishment of Multiple Circular Economies

NESR Flare-to-Forest Integrated Project Concept

The 'Flare-to-Forest' project aims to convert multiple waste products streams from oilfield operations into valuable resources through a three-step process

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