Environmental Stewardship

NESR is committed to providing technologies & services that enhance our customers' performance by helping them reduce their environmental impact and lower the carbon intensity of their operations. We are dedicated to maintaining a sustainable and socially responsible company and strive to reduce our environmental footprint everywhere we operate, both internally in our operations and externally in the products & services that we provide.

We align our strategies and programs with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and strive to preserve our planet for future generations, while complying with all relevant rules and regulations. We firmly believe that our sustainability is closely linked to the long-term viability of the economies, environments, and communities in which we live and work. We deploy innovation ingenuity in our approach. From implementing hybrid solar power production in our UAE operations, to utilizing an artifical intelligence (AI) platform for continuous methane emissions monitoring across our clients’ assets, we are reducing air emissions and playing a vital role in the sustainable development of the countries in which we operate.

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Climate Change

We recognize the effects of climate change on our planet and our business and align our approach with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are focused on reducing our environmental footprint and mitigating climate change risks to our business while continuing to help our customers provide the world access to affordable, efficient, and reliable energy. When assessing our risk exposure, we consider risks associated with climate change and their impact on our business in the near and long-term.

We manage our environmental impact by:

  • Measuring and tracking our environmental performance data
  • Improving annually the measurement and management of our carbon footprint
  • Enhancing our energy and water efficiency
  • Managing our consumption of natural resources and our waste
  • Collaborating with our customers to engineer solutions which maximize the sustainable value of their assets and reduce the environmental impact of their operations
  • Using technologies that help our customers increase their operational performance while reducing or avoiding emissions
  • Working with suppliers to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of their products
  • Ensuring compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in the places we operate 
  • Reporting regularly on our progress toward effective sustainability and stewardship of our business and the advancement of these goals.

NESR is currently mapping out a plan to achieve net zero carbon emissions from our operations by 2050 and developing new solutions to enhance our commitments and increase the transparency of our GHG reporting. Our plans will be announced as soon as reasonably practicable.

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Air Emissions

NESR strives to mitigate environmental impacts associated with GHG emissions through managing the carbon emissions of our own operations. All NESR locations with the potential for air emissions are establishing a documented air emission plan in order to minimize air emissions.

In 2023, NESR deployed a cutting-edge, artificial intelligence (AI) based platform for continuous methane & GHG monitoring and leak detection, across multiple NESR locations and commercially with several key clients. Properly measuring emissions and identifying non-routine emissions events (e.g. facility leaks) is the first step to properly advancing toward Net Zero Emissions (NZE) in any industry. NESR will continue to leverage leading technologies to enhance not only its internal emissions measurement, but also externally across client operations & assets.

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
CO 2 e - Scope 1 metric tons 118,854 149,035 143,484 180,019
CO 2 e - Scope 2 metric tons 2,420 2,253 2,378 2,244
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Energy Management

NESR aligns with and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of providing access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all and taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Implementing responsible energy consumption practices across the business continues to be included in our environmental objectives. In 2019, we started tracking our total energy consumption from different sources with the goal of improving energy efficiency and increasing the percentage of energy we consume from renewable sources.

As an example of putting this strategy to action, in 2023 we inaugurated NESR’s Oilfield Research and Innovation Center (NORI) in Dhahran Techno Valley, and during the design phase conducted energy modelling to reduce energy consumption. NORI now complies with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification requirements and is projected to consume 20% less energy than comparable buildings in Saudi Arabia. We estimate that, over time, approximately 5% of the energy consumed at NORI will be generated from renewable energy sources.

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Electricity Use MWh 6,240 25,467 5,711 5,447
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Water Management

Water is one of the world’s most valuable resources and we operate in water stressed areas in the MENA region. We apply best practices and technological solutions to water management challenges to reduce the impact of our operations on water resources everywhere we operate.ment challenges to reduce the impact of our operations on water resources everywhere we operate.

NESR also strives to help customers improve the water stewardship of the broader energy industry, through a growing portfolio of oilfield water treatment technology partnerships. In 2023, NESR commissioned its “Carbon-Lite” brine production facility in Iraq, which leverages a HIROX/CIF technology to unlock the production of oilfield brine from unusable brackish water, rather than through the conventional mixing of freshwater & salt. Not only does this plant drastically reduce both freshwater consumption and brine production waste, but the concept also eliminates vast amounts of trucking of raw materials, improving the safety and emissions intensity of operations.

NESR operations are mainly conducted in water-stressed areas; therefore, in order to reduce our water consumption substantially, in 2021 we were the first company in our sector to announce specific Key Performance Indicator (KPI) targets tied to our Sustainability-Linked-Loan (SLL) facility, the progress toward which is presented in the table below .

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water used m 3 157,459 175,332 225,887 234,963
Water recycled m 3 17,574 19,639 40,606 21,507
Water recycled percentage 11.16 11.2 17.97 9.2
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Waste Management

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our activities across the entire value chain. We continuously strive to improve our environmental performance in multiple ways, including responsible waste management.

To manage waste materials more efficiently, we reuse materials when possible, recycle both in our own operations and for our customers, and use innovative technologies to find new recovery methods. We continue to seek opportunities to reduce both our direct consumption of resources and the waste we generate. In addition, NESR audits waste service providers to ensure appropriate waste treatment and disposal practices are followed.

In 2019, we started tracking the total volume of hazardous and non-hazardous waste produced by our operations – a first step toward understanding the volume and nature of the waste we generate. In an effort to raise employee awareness about the importance of reducing consumption, reusing what can be reused, and ultimately reducing and recycling waste, we banned all plastic water bottles from our offices in 2019 and provided reusable, environmentally-friendly bottles and cups. In 2020, we started tracking the volume of waste we recycle, and where our waste ultimately ends up (incinerated, sent to landfills, sold as scrap, etc.) This will allow us to understand the full impact of the waste we generate on different ecosystems. Ultimately, we believe that the information we are collecting in 2020 will facilitate better waste management in the future.

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Hazardous waste generated metric tons 5,745 10,488 25,268 19,366
Non-hazardous waste generated metric tons 70,097 94,653 65,138 85,877
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Environmental Releases

Releases and the potential associated impact to the environment have our full attention. Each NESR site is equipped with appropriate emergency control and spill prevention plans.

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Spills > 1 bbl barrels ND 2 6 4
Volume of spills liters ND ND 3920 2500

As part of NESR’s process safety procedures, barriers as part of well integrity are crucial to reducing the risk of the uncontrolled release of formation fluids. NESR has a portfolio of cementing technologies and logging tools for ensuring and evaluating well integrity. Zonal isolation is created and maintained in the wellbore through the cementing process. Cement supports and protects well casings and helps prevent fluids in one zone from mixing with fluids in another zone. The cement systems help establish zonal isolation work in a variety of reservoir conditions and remain in place throughout the life of the well.

To prevent unplanned discharges, NESR tests the integrity of service equipment on a regular basis. Regularly scheduled inspections, evaluations, and testing of bulk storage containers by qualified personnel are critical parts of discharge prevention. Our inspection and testing programs involve an external visual inspection along with extensive testing and examination to evaluate container integrity. These inspections are site specific and they meet or exceed industry standards.

NESR has deployed an automatic fuel system in its fracturing operations which consists of a closed system that supplies diesel to the fracturing fleet. This system can fuel all the equipment in a large fleet simultaneously, eliminating spills, hazards for the fracturing crew, and overfill risk. In addition to the environmental impact, the automatic fuel system improves the efficiency of the fracturing operation and reduces nonproductive time.

NESR also establishes secondary containment as part of protection measures for primary storage.

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Chemical Transparency

During the design and development phase of fracturing, all chemical additives are selected based on minimum environmental impact and regulatory acceptance in the operating companies and countries where we operate. In addition, these chemical formulations are designed to be safe for the individuals who are handling them, from the manufacturing plant to the final oilfield application. Our current fracturing fluids are developed by one of our US-based technology partners, and as such, these additives are publicly disclosed via FracFocus when deployed in the US market by our partner.

Metric Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Volume of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Used m3 1,743,769 1,525,003 1,446,145 2,211,509
Percent of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Used (Down Well) percentage 0.45 0.35 0.35 0.28
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Environmental Compliance

NESR’s operations are conducted in compliance with industry standard certification programs, including those for quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001), and health and safety management (ISO 45001 or OHSAS 18001). The NESR integrated HSE management system is aligned with ISO 9001/14001/45001.

We communicate our HSE philosophy to all employees, customers, contractors, and third parties associated with our business, and each NESR organization is required to provide evidence of conformance to the relevant system.  

Most of our operating countries are ISO 14001 certified by external certification bodies. In addition, those entities frequently hold multiple other certifications, such as ISO 9001/45001, OSHAS 18001, and API Q1 and Q2. No environmental violations have been recorded across NESR’s operations in 2019 and throughout the first half of 2020.

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Environmental Achievements

Our environmental achievements this year are broad ranging.

As a company, NESR has:

  • Implemented a solar-diesel-hybrid (SDH) power system with ~104kWp solar capacity at the NESR Habshan Basecamp, Includes a nearly 10% green electricity mix, saving nearly 150 MT CO2e emissions by offsetting diesel consumption, with plans to increase green energy usage and reduce CO2e in the future
  • Saudi Aramco and NESR achieved groundbreaking results with DyVaR desalination technology, converting high TDS produced GOSP water to freshwater (avg < 100 ppm TDS) with remarkable water recovery (~80%). This innovative approach also enabled salt recovery (NaCl) with over 99% purity, suitable for medical-grade applications.
  • The 'Carbon-Lite' HIROX process is a significant breakthrough, producing 4,000+ bpd of at-spec brine for local energy operations while significantly reducing waste and freshwater use compared to conventional methods, revolutionizing the brine supply chain in Iraq's water-scarce region
  • Been selected by Aramco to participate in the 2019 Southern Area Oil Operations (SAOO) Environmental Campaign;
  • Participated in an environmental campaign in Saudi Arabia to spread awareness on best environmental practices among school children;
  • Been recognized by Saudi Aramco’s Southern Area Well Completion Operations Department (SAWCOD) for its outstanding contributions towards the accomplishment of environmental initiatives in 2019;
  • Installed energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems;
  • Prioritized technological developments aimed at minimizing CO 2 emissions;
  • Replaced diesel-powered light towers in rigless sites in Saudi Arabia with solar power light towers to reduce noise pollution, fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions;
  • Banned plastic water bottles in NESR offices to reduce waste;
  • Reduced 6700 m 3 of fresh water per year in Oman operations by changing the cement slurry formula;
  • Educated employees about greener operational alternatives and practices and encouraged them to adopt initiatives that support the achievement of our annual targets;
  • Advanced the operational processes in our facilities by taking significant steps to reduce scrap and the use of harmful chemicals;
  • Worked closely with community and nonprofit organizations to develop initiatives to apply technology, expertise, and volunteerism toward solving pressing environmental issues;
  • Conducted assessments of business partners, suppliers, and contractors to uphold equal social and environmental standards, and defined next steps to improve worker-management, communication and working conditions.

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